Saturday, December 31, 2011

Brand Identity

FALL 2011 
Print 1

Project: Branding Manual

Project Description
Rebrand an existing company. Develop and create market research, creative brief and a design manual for the new design specifications for the rebranded logo.

Collective Tattoo + Gallery Rebrand - Final Design Manual

Click on the link below to view flip book;

I also created a corresponding mailer to launch the rebrand;

Friday, August 12, 2011

Project Updates!

It's week 7 of my 2nd quarter at SCAD and I have more projects posted. Please go to Summer Quarter 2011 to view the projects that I have been recently working on.

Design Methodology

Thank you!

April Biss

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

2nd Week Into The 2nd Quarter!

Hello! Its the 2nd week into the 2nd quarter already and I have posted a new project to my blog (Summer Quarter 2011) - check it out! I am currently working on two more projects and I am planning to post the final process books soon after. This quarter is definitely a lot less stressful than last quarter and I really feel like I am growing not only as a designer through this experience, but also as a person. I'm excited to show more projects soon!


April Biss

Friday, June 17, 2011

Hello Everyone!

I recently finished my first quarter of graduate school at Savannah College of Art and Design. I am going for my masters degree in Graphic Design. I wanted to compile each of my quarters on this specific blog so that it can be a continuous journal and portfolio for myself and others. As each quarter is completed, I will be adding more work. Enjoy!